Outplacement Services

Nearly every adult would be acquainted with someone who has lost their job through organisational restructuring as a result of a financial downturn, acquisition/merger, change in business focus or change in the way business is conducted.

Outplacement can assist both the individual and the organisation. Compass Consulting has substantial experience over many years in the following areas:

  • Assisting with the delivery of the ‘message’ to employees
  • Providing on-site and office-based support
  • Guiding individuals through the transition period
  • Conducting small group workshops
  • Acting as a mentor, coach or sounding board.

We are part of a small but experienced national network and we can draw upon these resources for major assignments.

Our approach is based on the philosophy that the loss of a job does not always have to be a negative experience. It can be ‘challenging’, but also offers a range of possibilities for the individual in exploring various employment arrangements including self-employment, multiple part-time roles, volunteer work, etc. We assist the individual in identifying potentially rewarding roles or careers and help them gain a clearer picture of what skills and personal qualities they have to offer to the world of work.

We believe it is also very important to consider the ‘survivors’ of this experience. A planned approach is essential to ensuring that the decision to ‘cut’ people is handled as smoothly as possible, with dignity for all involved.

Outplacement is much more than just helping the individual develop an appropriate resume or curriculum vitae.

While it is ultimately in the hands of the individual (to determine their next career step), effective and socially aware organisations can assist greatly by providing access to external outplacement services such as those provided by Compass Consulting.